Highlights This Month:
- Super Bowl Party at St. Matt's, Feb 9
- Friendship Day Breakfast for Children & EYC, Sunday, Feruary 9th
- Captain's Choice Golf Tourney is Back!
- Shrove Tuesday Low Country Boil
- Lenten Program: Wednesday evenings with dinner: The Enneagram - Understanding Us.
Important Dates:
February 9: Friendship Day Breakfast for Children’s Formation & EYC. In the Children’s Classroom.
February 9: Super Bowl Sunday at Church. Kickoff at 6:30pm. Bring snacks. See Grapevine.
February 23: Contemporary Music.
March 4: Shrove Tuesday, Low Country Boil. 6:00 pm. Sponsored by Brotherhood of St. Matthew’s.
March 5: Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, Imposition of Ashes, 12 noon, and 6:30 pm.
March 12: Wednesday Evening Lenten Series begins: “The Enneagram – Understanding Us.” With supper at 5:30 pm. Program & Worship, 6:30-8:00 pm. Series runs Wednesday evenings through April 9.
March 19: Wednesday Evening Lenten Series begins: “The Enneagram – Understanding Us.”
March 26: Wednesday Evening Lenten Series begins: “The Enneagram – Understanding Us.”
March 28: Golf Tournament. Friday at 1:00 pm at Village Greens, Inman SC.
March 30: Contemporary Music.
April 2: Wednesday Evening Lenten Series begins: “The Enneagram – Understanding Us.”
April 9: Wednesday Evening Lenten Series begins: “The Enneagram – Understanding Us.”
April 13: Holy Week. Palm Sunday, Passion Narrative.
April 16: Agape Meal. Wednesday in the gym, 6:30 pm.
April 17: Maundy Thursday. Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar, 6:30 pm.
April 18: Good Friday. Solemn Collects at 12 noon. Stations of the Cross downtown at 5:00 pm
April 20: Easter. Kindling of the New Fire in the Memorial Garden, 7:00 am. Holy Eucharist, Easter Brunch & Children’s Egg Hunt, 9:00 am. Holy Eucharist, 11:15 am.
Holy Eucharist, 9 & 11:15 am. Childcare in the Nursery, 6 mos-4 yrs.
Episcopal Youth Community: 5:30-7pm, Youth Rm.
Bible, Bread & Wine, 5:30 pm, Kelly Room.
Holy Eucharist w/ Healing, 6:30pm, Sanctuary.
Wednesday Night Live: 6-7:00pm, Youth Rm.
Every Evening:
Compline, between 9 & 10 pm. Live on St. Matt’s Facebook.
Service & Fellowship:
Food Pantry & Free Medical Clinic:
Wednesdays: Welcome & Assist Clients.
Winter Client Hours: 10-11:30am
Contact: Harvey Gloystein, 713-816-0112.
Tuesdays: Setting Up for Wednesdays.
Contact: Heather Yevcak, 704-560-3905.
Women’s Bible Study: See Bulletin Insert.
Daughters of the King: 2nd Sat. of month. 2 pm, Library.
Brotherhood of St. Matthew’s: 2nd Tues. of month. 6:30 pm, Library Conf. Rm.
Choir Practice: Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:00 pm.
Education for Ministry (EfM): Mondays.
Vestry: 3rd Tuesday of mo. 6:30 pm, Library Conf. Rm.