Serve with purpose:

volunteering at St. Matthew's is our response

to the blessings we have received!

Looking for a way to get involved? Try one of these:

Readers and Servers: We have current need of both readers and servers at the 11:15 service! Training will be provided. Its a lovely way to fully participate in our liturgy. Serve one Sunday a month as a crucifer, acolyte, eucharistic minister, or reader. Contact Debbie Richardson.

Greeters: If an early morning smile is your superpower, please volunteer to be a Greeter at the 11:15 am services one time per month! Contact Grace Keller.

Vestry Meeting: Third Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the Library Conference Room. Members of the parish are very welcome to attend.

Brotherhood of St. Matthew's: Second Tuesday of every month. 6:30pm, Library Conference Room.

Daughters of the King: Second Saturday of every month. 2:00pm, Library Conference Room.

Choir Practice: Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00pm, in the Choir Room. The Choir is inviting new members. Please contact

Gardeners Consider participating in the vegetable garden and/or growing flowers on the church grounds for use in Altar Arrangements, or to take to parishioners with Communion. Contact the Grapevine.

Communications Team: Use your writing and design skills, printing or speaking skills to help get the word out about how St. Matthew's is building a welcoming place to come learn about Jesus and practice His ways. Speak to Michelle.

  • "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV


    Volunteer Coordinator: Heather Yevcak, 704-560-3905

    8:30 to 10:30am: Setup. 


    Volunteer Coordinator: Harvey Gloystein, 713-816-0112

    Winter hours ending May 22nd, from 9 to 11:30am: Welcome & Assist Clients. 

    Summer hours starting May 29th, from 8 to 10:30am: Welcome & Assist Clients.  

  • Wednesdays

    Volunteer Coordinator: Harvey Gloystein, 713-816-0112

    Winter hours ending May 22nd, from 9 to 11:30am: Welcome & Assist Clients. 

    Summer hours starting May 29th, from 8 to 10:30am: Welcome & Assist Clients.  

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  • The Order of the Daughters of the King is a spiritual sisterhood of women dedicated to a life of prayer, service and evangelism.

  • The Brotherhood of St. Matthew is a group of men dedicated to sharing the Good News of God in Jesus Christ, deepening our own faith, and serving our community.

  • Poverty and racism are an offense to God.

    On Thursday, September 5th, Saint Matthew's hosted a luncheon meeting of Spartanburg’s Faith Initiative to End Child Poverty. Over a 140 residents and leaders of our community attended. One of the sobering statistics we heard was that over 1,200 children in our county are homeless. Knowing the lifelong impact of poverty and homelessness, this dedicated organization is working on several ways to address this great need.

    In the weeks to come we will hear more about temporary shelter opportunities, the need for individual caseworkers for families, improved employment access, and long-term supportive housing. Thankfully this is an effort involving many churches and a core of innovative and insightful leaders. Please know there will be opportunities for many levels of involvement, but they all begin with the prayerful acknowledgement of our call - as a community - to care for all God’s children.

    Find out more about the Faith Initiative here:

    Find out how to get involved with the Spartanburg Interfaith Alliance:

The Brotherhood of St. Matthew's

The Brotherhood of St. Matthew is a group of men dedicated to sharing the Good News of God in Jesus Christ, deepening our own faith, and serving our community. The men of the Brotherhood covenant to:

  • Pray for one another and the needs of our parish every day
  • To discern our individual calls to ministry with the hope that every man has a ministry
  • To engage in a corporate program of study about our shared faith
  • Attend all meetings of the Order unless prevented by significant cause
  • Undertake at least one outreach and one in-reach ministry per year

A Gathering of Men, Faith, and Fellowship: An Open Invitation

This is an open invitation to every man in our community to join us, as well as our dedicated Brotherhood members. This is an opportunity to connect with brothers in faith, gain spiritual insights, and reaffirm our commitment to serving our community. We discuss business matters, share fellowship, and consider spiritual matters together.

Mark your calendars and join us for enriching evenings of fellowship and spiritual growth. We are excited to welcome new members - contact Shep Miller for more information:

Plan for the next meeting:

The Second Tuesday of Every Month, at 6:30pm

Library Conference Room

Here are some examples of the ways we work together for the benefit of our parish and our community: 

  • Shrove Tuesday fundraiser.
  • Annual Golf fundraiser.
  • Campus cleanup after tornados.
  • Graduating Seniors Crosses.
  • Landscape project for the Church Grounds.
  • Set up and take down tables and chairs for activities in the gym.
  • Provide meals for our Episcopal Youth Communnity (EYC).
  • Purchased tables and chairs for church events.
  • Helped fund a more visible street sign.
  • Provided safety and mobility aids for widows and the elderly.
  • Provide fuel to keep Ukrainian children warm.

The Prayer of the Brotherhood of St. Matthew

Almighty God, have mercy upon us, your humble servants. Accept our thanks and praise for all that You have done for us. We pray that Your will shall be done in all things.

We pray that You will guide us and make us worthy of You. Protect us with the armor of Your righteousness, give us the sword of Your truth, and teach us to be warriors of prayer.

Help us to be beacons unto those who are in distress. Open up our eyes that we may see our obligation to the widow, to the orphan, to the sick, to the poor, and to all of those who are left to stand alone.

Help us to serve You, our church, and the world in your name all the days of our lives. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we pray.


The Daughters of the King

Contact: Gail Stellar

The Order of the Daughters of the King is a spiritual sisterhood of women dedicated to a life of prayer, service and evangelism. An order is a community under a religious rule; especially one requiring members to take solemn vows. We don’t just enroll as members and attend meetings; we take life-long vows to follow the Rule of Prayer and Rule of Service.

In solidarity with one another, all Daughters everywhere make the same promises upon their admission to the Order:

  • To obey the two Rules of The Order: the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service.
  • To offer at all times loyal aid to our clergy and parish to spread Christ’s kingdom.
  • To wear faithfully the cross of The Order.
  • To work for the purposes of The Order as God may give us the opportunity.