The Episcopal Youth Community, also known as EYC is living into the words of Micah...

"live justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God."

The Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) welcomes

youth in sixth through twelfth grades. 

Sunday evenings from 5:30-7:00pm.

How we fulfill the Episcopal Youth Community mission:

  • Helping to build a community of faith
  • Equipping the youth of our church to serve the great commission and become ambassadors for Christ in their communities and the world
  • Encouraging our youth to take ownership of their faith and become leaders within the church

We meet on Sunday nights from 5:30 until 7:00 pm where we participate in activities related to building our faith based on scriptures and traditions of the Episcopal church. There are games and dinner is provided. At other times we meet for movies, dinner, or other fun activities in order to build a support system for each other. There are scheduled service projects throughout the year and we also promote attendance at diocesan events which provide opportunities for our teens to deepen their Christian journey.

Our prayer for our Christian Formation Director Derek Langley:

Dear Heavenly Father, who calls on us all to share in the responsibility of caring for and nurturing the children of Saint Matthew’s, we give you thanks for the gifts of ministry you have bestowed upon Derek. We ask that you send your Holy Spirit to inspire and encourage him, to be a shield surrounding him, and a strong foundation for him to stand upon. As a faith community help us to model for Derek a spiritual maturity, an understanding of Christ as the center of our life together, and a spirit of giving, welcome, and inclusion. May he reflect your good and perfect gifts as he works with our youth and may we see Christ in Derek, as he sees Christ in us.

In your precious Name we pray. Amen.