Foyer Fellowship Groups

Foyer Fellowship groups are small gatherings of about six, both singles and couples, who meet informally once a month for a simple meal and fellowship (usually at each other’s homes, but groups can decide where).  Your commitment is one 2 hour event per month, with each household taking a turn hosting.  The groups can decide how and what to do and the only agenda is fellowship! 

Foyer Fellowship is meant to be simple and comfortable.  The host provides the meal (such as a casserole or hearty soup) and other participants bring a part of the meal to be shared such as bread and wine, appetizers, salad or dessert.  Some people order pizza and have a game night – the possibilities are endless.  Singles often pair up to share the responsibility and college students are everyone’s guests.  It’s up to the group to decide how they want to manage the food part.  The main thing is to keep it simple and FUN. 

Please sign up by August 31st, on the sign-up sheet located on the bulletin board across from the kitchen door, OR email Leesa Simmons at 

Q:  How does it work?

A:  Those interested sign up. Members then receive a roster of their group’s names and contact information. One person is designated to convene the group for its meeting. We will put groups together by random draws. 

Q:  I’m a very busy person.  Is this for me?

A:  Absolutely. The time commitment is small and the payoff is big. Foyer Fellowship gatherings traditionally last about two hours. You’ll have great conversations and much fun getting to know people. 

Q:  I have food allergies.  How can I be sure that other group members’ meals will be suitable for me?

A:  If you have food allergies, dietary restrictions, or strong taste preferences, please simply inform your group of your concerns at the beginning so that everyone understands what they must consider in preparing the menu. It is also okay if you bring your own meal each time and just join in the conversation. 

History – After the World War II bombing of Coventry Cathedral in Britain, small groups of people began meeting in one another’s homes to rebuild their community: just a modest meal and conversation.  In time, foyer groups began springing up in parishes all over Britain and America.  Many Episcopal churches have foyer groups. 

If you have more questions, please reach out to a Hospitality Team Member! 

Bible Study, Prime Timers, Merry Widows, Sit 'n Stitch!

Women's Bible Study: Will resume in September in the Kelley Room, every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Times and contact information posted on the Bulletin Board by the Nursery. We invite new folks to join us then!

Prime Timers: Third Thursday of every month. Times and contact information posted on the Bulletin Board by the Nursery.

Merry Widows We are the Merry Widows, a bunch of lively ladies who gather for lunchtime laughter and companionship the second Saturday of the month at noon, at City Range. We may carry the title of widows, but we're far from a sorrowful bunch. We're a circle of support and love, embracing each other through life's trials and tribulations. Any dear lady who's seeking warmth and camaraderie is more than welcome to join our little clan. Times and contact information posted on the Bulletin Board by the Nursery.

Sit 'n Stitch Calling all crafters! Grab your latest project and join us for some stitching and socializing in the cozy confines of the Library/Conference Room. Times and contact information posted on the Bulletin Board by the Nursery.