Worship Together In Person & Online:

Lent Schedule


Ash Wednesday, Imposition of Ashes, 12 noon, and 6:30 pm.


The Enneagram – Understanding Us. 

Supper at 5:30 pm. Program & Worship, 6:30-8 pm.

March 19: Enneagram, continues. Supper at 5:30 pm. Program, 6:30-8 pm.

March 26: Enneagram, continues. Supper at 5:30 pm. Program, 6:30-8 pm.

April 2: Enneagram, continues. Supper at 5:30 pm. Program, 6:30-8 pm.

Holy Week Schedule

**Join the Easter Choir and be part of the musical celebration of Christ’s Resurrection! We, the entire parish, are invited by the St. Matthew’s Choir to sing in the Easter Choir on Easter Sunday! Practice for us starts April 3rd at 6:30 pm and runs Thursdays through Easter Sunday.

April 13: HOLY WEEK. Palm Sunday, Passion Narrative.

April 16: AGAPE MEAL. Wednesday in the gym, 6:30 pm.

April 17: MAUNDY THURSDAY. Foot Washing, Stripping the Altar, 6:30 pm.

April 18: GOOD FRIDAY.

+ Solemn Collects at 12 noon.

+ Stations of the Cross, downtown at 5:30 pm.

April 20: EASTER SUNDAY, with the Special Easter Choir.

+ Kindling of the New Fire in the Memorial Garden, 7:00 am.

+ Holy Eucharist, 9:00 am.

+ Easter Brunch & Children’s Egg Hunt, 10:15 between the services.

+ Holy Eucharist, 11:15 am.

Live Streamed Sunday Service


Evening Compline Online

On Facebook: Find your way to St. Matthew’s public Facebook group: search “stmattsc” or type www.facebook.com/groups/stmattsc into a search bar. We meet between 9:15 and 10pm, seven days a week. 

In The Book of Common Prayer: page 127 in the 1979 Edition, or online: www.bcponline.org/DailyOffice/compline.html

Visiting Eucharistic Minister for Our Homebound

Call for Sundays: 864-576-0424

Wednesday Healing Service

6:30 - 7:00 pm Evening Prayer & Healing Service, in The Sanctuary

The liturgy of the table

Our Prayer for Spiritual Growth, said aloud together every worship service

Gracious Father, we ask spiritual growth for ourselves, our families and friends, and especially for our family St. Matthew's. Grant us growth in understanding and willingness to be your Body in this world. Empower us to live the mission of Christ: to preach, teach, heal and make disciples. In joyful thanksgiving for the blessing of your presence in our lives, compel us to share you with everyone we meet. May our numbers increase, our commitment deepen, our lives be joyfully yours. Make us a God-centered people.

In Christ's name we pray. Amen.