December 8: New Class Starts for Adult Christian Formation. Offered by Debbie Rutledge. Library, 10:15am.
December 8: Christmas Cards made by the Children of St. Matthew’s for our shut-ins. All welcome!
December 15: Lessons and Carols.
December 17: Vestry Meeting. New Vestry members installed.
December 20: Preschool End of Term. Registration open for 2025. Teacher position available.
December 22: “Love Came Down” Christmas Pageant. 10:00 am. (One Service).
December 24: Christmas Eve, 5:00 & 11 pm. In person.
December 25: Christmas Day, ONLINE at 10 am at facebook.com/groups/stmattsc,
by Father Rob, with Judge & Handsome.
December 26-27: Office Closed.
December 29: Contemporary Music.
January 1, 2025: Office Closed.
January 5: Soup-er Stew-pendous Soup & Stew Cook Off and Blind Tasting.
January 5: Epiphany, Blessing of Chalk for Marking of Doors.
January 21: Vestry Meeting.
January 23: Preschool Chili Cook-Off, Thursday at 5:30 pm.
January 26: Contemporary Music.
Holy Eucharist, 9 & 11:15 am. Childcare is in the Nursery for children 6 months - 4 yrs.
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) 5:30-7:00 pm, in the Youth Room. Dinner, games, & worship.
Bible, Bread & Wine, 5:30 pm, in the Kelly Room.
Wednesday Night Live (WNL) 6:00-7:00 pm, Youth Room.
Holy Eucharist with Healing, 6:30 pm, in the Sanctuary.
Every Evening:
Compline, between 9 & 10 pm. Live on St. Matthew’s Facebook.
Food Pantry & Free Medical Clinic:
Winter Hours 10:00 - 11:30 am
Tuesdays: Setup. To volunteer: Heather Yevcak, 704-560-3905.
Wednesdays: Welcome & Assist Clients. Contact: Harvey Gloystein, 713-816-0112.
Brotherhood of St. Matthew’s:
Second Tuesday of every month. 6:30 pm, Library Conf. Rm.
Daughters of the King:
Second Saturday of every month. 2:00 pm, Library Conf. Rm.
Choir Practice:
Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:00 pm, Choir Room.
Third Tuesday of every month, 6:30 pm, Library Conf. Rm. More info on bulletin board.