Lent Schedule
Ash Wednesday, Imposition of Ashes, 12 noon, and 6:30 pm.
The Enneagram – Understanding Us.
Supper at 5:30 pm. Program & Worship, 6:30-8 pm.
March 19: Enneagram, continues. Supper at 5:30 pm. Program, 6:30-8 pm.
March 26: Enneagram, continues. Supper at 5:30 pm. Program, 6:30-8 pm.
April 2: Enneagram, continues. Supper at 5:30 pm. Program, 6:30-8 pm.
Holy Week Schedule
**Join the Easter Choir and be part of the musical celebration of Christ’s Resurrection! We, the entire parish, are invited by the St. Matthew’s Choir to sing in the Easter Choir on Easter Sunday! Practice for us starts April 3rd at 6:30 pm and runs Thursdays through Easter Sunday.
April 13: HOLY WEEK. Palm Sunday, Passion Narrative.
April 16: AGAPE MEAL. Wednesday in the gym, 6:30 pm.
April 17: MAUNDY THURSDAY. Foot Washing, Stripping the Altar, 6:30 pm.
April 18: GOOD FRIDAY.
+ Solemn Collects at 12 noon.
+ Stations of the Cross, downtown at 5:30 pm.
April 20: EASTER SUNDAY, with the Special Easter Choir.
+ Kindling of the New Fire in the Memorial Garden, 7:00 am.
+ Holy Eucharist, 9:00 am.
+ Easter Brunch & Children’s Egg Hunt, 10:15 between the services.
+ Holy Eucharist, 11:15 am.
Upcoming Events Summary
Current: Preschool. Spots available for 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s for summer & fall 2025. Join the waitlist early!
We’re expanding and hiring teachers & assistants for all ages. Help us grow! See Bulletin Insert.
March 16: Bible, Bread & Wine. Sunday evening, 5:30-7pm, Kelly Room.
March 19: Wednesday Evening Lenten Series continues: The Enneagram – Understanding Us.
March 23: Bible, Bread & Wine. Sunday evening, 5:30-7pm, Kelly Room.
March 26: Wednesday Evening Lenten Series: The Enneagram – Understanding Us.
March 28: Golf Tournament. Friday at 1:00 pm at Village Greens, Inman SC.
March 30: Contemporary Music.
March 30: Bible, Bread & Wine. Sunday evening, 5:30-7pm, Kelly Room.
April 2: Wednesday Evening Lenten Series: The Enneagram – Understanding Us.
April 3: Congregation Invited To Sing In The Easter Choir: Practice with the choir Thursdays at 6:30 pm
for Easter Sunday. See Bulletin Insert!
April 5: Diocesan Daughters of the King Retreat.
April 6: Bible, Bread & Wine. Sunday evening, 5:30-7pm. House Blessing, see Grapevine.
April 9: Wednesday Evening Lenten Series: The Enneagram – Understanding Us.
April 13: Holy Week. Palm Sunday, Passion Narrative.
April 13: Bible, Bread & Wine. Sunday evening, 5:30-7pm, Kelly Room.
April 16: Agape Meal. Wednesday in the gym, 6:30 pm.
April 17: Maundy Thursday. Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar, 6:30 pm.
April 18: Good Friday. Solemn Collects at 12 noon.
April 18: Good Friday. Stations of the Cross, downtown at 5:30 pm.
April 20: Easter Sunday. Kindling of the New Fire in the Memorial Garden,
7:00 am. Holy Eucharist,
9 am. Easter Brunch & Children’s Egg Hunt, between the services.
11:15 am. Holy Eucharist.
April 27: Celebrate Beth Boyd. Contemporary Service Music.
May 18: Youth Sunday, and Twin Ponds Fishing Tournament.
June 1: 10:00 am Service Schedule begins. And Bible, Bread & Wine goes on the road.
Holy Eucharist, 9 & 11:15 am. Childcare in the Nursery, 6 mos-4 yrs.
Episcopal Youth Community: 5:30-7pm, Youth Rm.
Bible, Bread & Wine, 5:30 pm, Kelly Room.
Holy Eucharist w/ Healing, 6:30pm, Sanctuary.
Wednesday Night Live: 6-7:00pm, Youth Rm.
Every Evening:
Compline, between 9 & 10 pm. Live on St. Matt’s Facebook.
Service & Fellowship:
Food Pantry & Free Medical Clinic:
Wednesdays: Welcome & Assist Clients.
Winter Client Hours: 10-11:30am
Contact: Harvey Gloystein, 713-816-0112.
Tuesdays: Setting Up for Wednesdays.
Contact: Heather Yevcak, 704-560-3905.
Women’s Bible Study: See Bulletin Insert.
Prime Timers: We will continue to meet, even as we mourn the loss of one of our most enduring advocates and dearest friends, Al Wales. In appreciation of Al and all he brought to our group, we carry on in his honor. Join us on the 3rd Thursday of each month at noon at Apollo's Restaurant.
Daughters of the King: 2nd Sat. of month. 2 pm, Library.
Brotherhood of St. Matthew’s: 2nd Tues. of month. 6:30 pm, Library Conf. Rm.
Choir Practice: Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:00 pm.
Education for Ministry (EfM): Mondays.
Vestry: 3rd Tuesday of mo. 6:30 pm, Library Conf. Rm.